I love talking about vision boards. Your vision board is somewhere you put everything that you’re really excited about. It’s your vision for the year and vision for the future. You put really ANYTHING that you want in your life and you look at it daily. Put it somewhere special where you will always be looking at it.
Here’s a video with more info:
Here are 4 different types of vision boards:
1. Online Vision Board
I went on Pinterest and created a private board. I started pinning everything I want on my vision board.
2. Wall Poster
You can start cutting up magazines and pick out the words and pictures.
3. Written Journal
Instead of actually finding pictures, you can just write things down. Write down affirmations of things you want in your life.
4. 3-Ring Binder
You can have a 3-ring binder and put your vision on a piece of paper, three hole punch it and put them in the binder.
You can pick one of them to make or you can make all of them. I challenge you to make your vision boards today.