With a new year comes new posts and ideas for Classy Career Girl! Every month this year, I am giving away a book I love to a commenter on this blog. I might give a book away for the most frequent commenter or the best advice in a comment or it could be totally random. So go leave a comment today!
This month I am giving a book away that I wrote about a year ago on this blog called Tell To Win by Peter Guber. In the book, Peter tells us how the power to tell emotionally resonant stories so that we can persuade, motivate and excite others. A big thank you to my top five commenters of the month below! Our book winner this month is Erica who has a fabulous blog at Cupcakes and Coffee Breaks. I will be emailing you today to get your details to send it to you.
Thanks again for the comments everyone! I really do appreciate them and I do my best to respond to each comment!
Question: What is your favorite book? I might give it away next month! 🙂