True story. My desk used to be a huge mess. Stacks of paper piled way too high. It was totally embarrassing.
In 2011, after 2.5 years of working full time and going to business school at night, let’s just say that spring cleaning was very necessary at that point in my life. I was ready to simplify my life and have a fresh start!
I am so grateful that I came across a book at that time that was literally life changing.
My office was the first thing I tackled after reading this quote from the book, “Your office sends messages about what kind of a worker you are. Having a chronically disorganized office screams, “I am an ineffective worker!” This may not seem like such a big deal, but these perceptions can end up having a negative impact on your career.” Gulp…
Time to Declutter my Desk & My Life!
So I went on a spring cleaning rampage and organized my closet, my office, my bathroom and even under my bed. After my spring cleaning, I felt 100% better and new opportunities starting opening up in my life and career. I didn’t feel weighed down by papers and piles of clothes. I enjoyed walking into my closet, and I slept better freeing up space underneath my bed.
The best part is that I even uncluttered my to-do list and email and doubled my productivity.
Looking back, it’s no surprise that my 2011 spring cleaning rampage played a pivotal role in the way my career has played out now. I am living my dream career in my business and getting uncluttered and productive that spring helped make my dream career happen.
It wasn’t easy, but I had to be extremely productive to build a business on the side of my day job as a Consultant and night job as a Professor. Because of my organized, hard work, I submitted my resignation letter knowing that everything would be OK. I have now replaced my corporate income and work half as much running my two signature online training programs. I even invited my husband to join me as our Chief Operating Officer in January. (And let me tell you when you work with your husband and have a 10-month old running around, things must be extremely organized and productive!! 🙂
Are you feeling a little uncluttered these days too? It’s time to DE-CLUTTER Your WORK AND LIFE this month with my FREE and FUN guide to simplifying your life!
Get ready for me to help you get a jump start on staying organized and productive this year so you can reach your career goals and dreams!
You will learn:
A life-changing resource that will give you a jump start on staying organized and productive this year
A simple step-by-step plan to start getting organized so more career opportunities can come your way
How to organize your calendar, to-do list, and office space to ensure you reach your 2015 goals and dreams
How to eliminate stress from your workday, so you wake up excited to get to work