
Thanks For Your Votes for Top Websites for Women!

Thanks so much to everyone who nominated Classycareergirl.com to be one of the Forbes top 100 websites for women. Unfortunately, we didn't make the list and there could only be one reason why, because Forbes wants to wait and put us on their top career websites list...

The Secret To Getting a Better Job

Adam Rico is a corporate recruiter and career coach. He blogs at Work You Enjoy and you can follow him on Twitter @adampaulrico.  He looked at me in disbelief. As if I had told him he owed a million dollars in back taxes. I had just informed him he didn't get the...

4 Career Building Skills I Wish I Had Learned in College

Today's post is written by Erica Moss. Erica is the social media outreach coordinator for Georgetown University’s online masters degree in nursing program. She also loves exploring New York City, photography, and meeting new people. Choosing your major in college can...

3 Ways To Build a Practical, Passion-Driven Career

Today’s post is written by Alex Summers. Having spent long and arduous hours learning about business, marketing, and writing from respected minds while attending school, she now feels an obligation to spread the knowledge along with a fresh perspective.  When asking...

Get Unstuck and Find the Right Career For You: Webinar Replay

Get Unstuck and Find the Right Career For You: Webinar Replay

Listen to the Podcast Subscribe on your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound Cloud Show Topics: Classy Career Girl Free Webinar replay (transcript AND video!) About Classy Career Girl How to identify and get your...

How The Classy Career Girl Blog Started [CCG Podcast #3]

Listen to the Podcast Show Topics: Starting a blog Decorating your office Using social media for professional success How to address cover letters How Did The Classy Career Girl Blog Started & Starting a Blog Podcast Transcript Hey, this is Anna Runyan from...

Finding Your Purpose, Free Webinar and Free Ebook!!

It's Get Unstuck week!  I am so excited for the get unstuck free webinar tonight and Saturday!!  If you haven't signed up yet, it isn't too late to sign up here!  I will send you the recording and a link to my 30 days of networking ideas ebook after if you can't make...

Happy Two Year Blog Anniversary Classy Career Girl!

Can you believe it has been two years?  I can't!  I thought it would be fun to reminisce about where this all started and answer a few questions I always get. Happy Two Year Blog Anniversary Classy Career Girl! When did you start your blog? I started my blog in March...