6 Quick Tips to Handle Stress at a New Job
Work can be a major cause of stress, especially when it’s your very first job. There’s always a lot to learn at a new job and you must also contend with a new social environment. There’s also evidence that workplace stress nowadays is a bigger problem than ever, in some cases causing serious work-related injuries. Stress management in the workplace is an issue you really need to consider when you get a new job. The following are some tips to help you accomplish this.

6 Quick Tips to Handle Stress at a New Job

1. Don’t Expect to Start Off at the Top

No matter what your job title, when you start out you should think of yourself as a probationer. You have to learn the fundamentals, which includes the social pecking order as well as the technical aspects of your job. It’s typical for new hires to be given the least glamorous tasks. Don’t take this personally. Think of it as paying your dues. Your status will rise over time, but it’s best to start out without any expectations.

2. Learn Time Management Skills

It’s important to have a good time management strategy. This helps you get into the flow of your new job. At first, you may find all of the tasks a little overwhelming. If you have a choice about what to do first, start with the more difficult, time-consuming jobs. At first, you should watch and listen and do things the way others do. However, after you learn the basics, start searching for hacks to complete tasks more efficiently.

3. Avoid Office Politics

Office politics doesn’t just occur in offices. It occurs wherever people are working together, whether it’s an office, restaurant, warehouse, cruise ship or any other environment. There are bound to be personality conflicts, power struggles and gossip. This can be especially stressful when you first start at a new job and you’re trying to get your bearings. Try your best to not get in the middle of such drama. Most of these issues have probably been going on for years, and it’s best to keep your distance. If you feel at some point that you have to take sides, at least wait until you know everyone better and understand what’s going on.
[RELATED: How To Get Your First Job Out Of College]

4. Consider Your First Job a Learning Experience

Naturally, your main goal at work is to earn money. You may also hope that this job leads to a successful career in your chosen field. More and more people nowadays, however, work at many jobs in their lifetime. Although you could be the exception and spend the rest of your life at your first job, the odds are against it. Keeping this in mind helps you keep everything in perspective. If you hate your boss or certain aspects of your job, resolve to bear it as long as possible. In the meantime, make sure you learn as much as you can. Almost everything you experience at even the worst jobs can be applied later in your career.

5. Stay Physically Active

One reason that workplace stress nowadays becomes an issue than it used to be is that people are more sedentary. Simply sitting at a desk all day causes a certain amount of stress. It can be hard on your back and shoulders. Staring at a screen for hours on end can cause eyestrain. One of the most important tips for managing stress and anxiety is to make sure you get enough exercise. Take short breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just to stand up and stretch. Use your formal breaks and lunch hour to walk around. Do some exercising before or after work. Even if you feel drained from work, you’ll find that exercising actually makes you feel more energized.

6. Find a Good Balance Between Work and Free Time

As important as it is to be efficient at work, it’s equally crucial to have a good time management approach when it comes to your free time. Part of managing stress and anxiety is knowing how to balance work and leisure. Pay close attention to how you pass your time, both working hours and after hours. Don’t let work become an all-consuming experience. Keep in touch with your friends after work. Pursue your hobbies. Read books unrelated to your job. This will help you create a healthy balance in your life.
Being a newbie always causes a certain amount of stress. However, there are many ways to keep this to a minimum. Remember that everyone around you was once new as well. Stress management in the workplace is something everyone has to contend with. The above guidelines are useful for helping you stay relaxed and centered regardless of what you experience at work.

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