It’s almost time to ring in the new year! Â It’s usually around this time that I start making next year’s goals and forget about what happened last year. Â It’s funny because sometimes you only remember the bad things that happen in the year but when I do this annual year in review post, I realize that I had a ton of accomplishments and awesome things happen too! Â It’s always a good idea to review your past year and think about what went well and what you are thankful for.
This year was a year of facing fears and personal growth. It was truly a foundational year with a ton of really hard work. I believe that everything I did and learned in 2013 has now set me up for big success in 2014!
2013 Year in Review
Goals I Achieved:
I got over a ton of fears by planning and executing my very first live event that was a huge success called Elevate Your Career San Diego.
I wrote a book and then re-wrote it 10 more times thanks to my fabulous editors. Â It’s one of my best things I have written and I am excited to launch my book in Feb-2014!
I became a Professor at DeVry University and taught Career Development, Journalism, and Principles of Management.
I improved my time management, delegation, and organization by creating systems for my life and business.
My husband and I gathered 6-month savings in the bank. In 2012, we got out of debt and now are following Dave Ramsey’s plan. Read this post to learn more about how we got out of debt.
I was extremely honored that Classy Career Girl made Forbes “Top 100 Sites For Your Career” and “35 of the Most Influential Career Sites For 2014“
I was quoted in People Stylewatch about how to dress in a conservative work environment.
I created two new products that have helped hundreds of people: My 10-Day Resume and Cover Letter Makeover and my 90-Day Virtual Find a Job You Love Course.
I interviewed 23 career experts and authors in the Get Ahead Club! Not only that but I made some great relationships with each of these authors that is now VERY helpful now that my book is about to come out. Since I made those initial connections, I have now been able to reach out to them for reviews of my brand new book and most have been happy to help! Â This is a great example of why you need to start networking before you actually need help!
I participated in VEDA and I vlogged (almost) every day in April!
I created a ton of free products and ebooks for Classy Career Girl readers. One of my favorite things to do is put together free things for all of you. Â I have enjoyed so many free ebooks and webinars from other websites and bloggers that have changed my career and business that I love doing the same to help you.
I worked individually with 8 new clients and helped them find new jobs, update their resumes, accelerate their leadership, manage their time better, manage their bosses and get promotions!
I landed four local news appearances at Fox 5 San Diego and San Diego 6 News. Â The first one was totally scary but I am now way more comfortable on live TV!
I partnered with Dress for Success San Diego as the featured charity for my Elevate Your Career events. Thanks to the attendees at our September event, we donated $150 to Dress for Success San Diego!
Books That Impacted Me This Year:
Coach Yourself to Success by Talane Miedaner. I learned about “tolerations” from this book and started making a list of everything I was tolerating in my life.  Even just the little things like that clothes pile in my closet or the pile of Goodwill in my trunk were things that were holding me back. Once I cleared out most of my tolerations, it felt great!
The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield. This book helped me put together my vision journal and helped me realize that reaching your big goal is as simple as taking five little actions every day. Now, I am doing five things every day that will help promote my book and I think it will make a big difference in the long run.
Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg.  This book was a major inspiration for me this year because I was also writing about working with and managing men.  It’s a scary thing to write about but I feel like Sheryl made it SO MUCH easier for me to write my book and pave the way for future female authors.  I love this quote from the book because I feel the exact same way – “Ask yourself what would you do if I weren’t afraid? And then go do it. Writing this book is not just me encouraging others to lean in. This is me leaning in. Writing this book is what I would do if I weren’t afraid.”
Heaven is For Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent. I always rate each book I read and this one has an additional 5 stars next to my rating of A+ so you know I loved it. If you need a break from the career books that I always recommend and want to read a very simple message about a little boy’s trip to heaven, definitely read this book.
Seminars, Workshops and Networking Events That Impacted Me:
I invested in my own coaching and joined Ali Brown’s Elevate Program. I realized that starting a business is tough and I need the advice and guidance from others who have already succeeded.  I now know that I am a WAY BETTER coach because I have received coaching myself and believe that every coach should have their own coach.
I became a member of Connected Women of Influence. This is a group of executives and professional women that I am very excited to learn and grow with! This year I have been inspired by some amazing panel events such as how women can support each other (instead of sabotaging each other!) and how to stay productive and manage your time better.
Looking Forward to 2014
My Quote of the Year:
“Don’t mange stress. Prevent stress.” Yes, I heard this on Dr. Oz one day and it has stuck with me ever since. Â I like to wait until the last minute which creates a lot of unneeded stress for myself. I will not be doing this next year.
A Question I Want to Guide Me This Year Is:
“What can I say no to? What can I delegate?”
Words I Want to Embody This Year Are:
Simple, balance, focus and peace.
My Personal 2014 Goals:
I want to experience what it is like to:
Read at least two books per month
Read the bible every day
Enjoy life and my family
Do yoga 2-3 times per week.
Meditate daily.
Treat myself to manicures and other things I enjoy weekly.
Wake up by at least 5:30 am every weekday morning.
Spend every Sunday completely free of technology, email and work for a Sabbath (and try to get chores and groceries done before Sunday too!)
My Professional 2014 Goals:
Speak at multiple women’s events and corporations about my book including the Pennsylvania Conference for Women
Join a mastermind group and attend at least 2 networking events around San Diego every month
Write for a national magazine
Be interviewed on a national news program
Launch my book, The Professional Woman’s Guide to Managing Men, on February 18th!
Launch my brand new six-month group coaching program for female leaders in March 2014 which includes my 6 steps to becoming a more effective female leader. Â This program will be offered throughout the year in person in San Diego and virtually through webinars and coaching calls.
Continue individual coaching with female leaders who want to accelerate their career, upgrade their leadership, manage their time better, improve their communication techniques, manage stress and find career satisfaction.
Launch a digital and audio product that consolidates all of the AMAZING advice so far this year in the Get Ahead Club. I have interviewed 23 career experts and authors and I will be taking the best advice from all of the interviews and packaging it up for you in 2014!
Start doing more corporate trainings and workshops for corporations on business etiquette skills, leadership development, communication techniques and personal development.
Continue to interview some amazing career experts and authors in the Get Ahead Club. Â Coming up in Q1 2014, I have Gail Evans AND Dr. Lois Frankel on the interview list!! I can’t wait!!
Things To Say “No” To In 2014:
I have a really hard time saying no so this is really important for me this year.
I will say no to unnecessary television especially since I work from home during the days. Talk about major distractions!
I will say no to being a professor. I LOVED teaching at DeVry University this year but I have come to the realization that it has become a distraction from my ultimate goal and dream which is coaching and training female leaders. Â I may go back towards the end of 2014 but I will be taking at least a 6-month break to focus more on my own business. Â Teaching as a professor has made me realize I love teaching! But, I want to teach my own material and I can easily do without the late homework excuses and grading papers.