That starts with good time management strategies and habits. Poor time management will keep you from your dreams, every time. First, we will help you master your time and productivity, so your calendar and to-do list actually make you happy, and not stressed.
These time management techniques I am teaching you will change your life, just like they did for me. These are the principles I live by and try my best to implement every day!
Which habit are you going to add to your weekly routine?
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13 Time Management Habits of Highly Effective WomenÂ
As a mom of 3 daughters, these time management habits helped me say focused on my goals while also having fun running my business too. Say “goodbye” to stress and “hello” to more joy in your work and life after implementing 1-2 of these habits in your weekly routine.
1. They plan their day the night before.
Before you go to bed, do you know what your top priorities are for the next day? You don’t want to be stressed in the morning and you want to be able to have a plan. Before you go to bed, know what your priorities are and this will greatly reduce any overwhelm you have.
2. They set boundaries.
It’s so important to set boundaries around social media time and administrative time. If you aren’t careful, you’ll waste a lot of time without boundaries.
3. They categorize their time.
Have categories for your most important times. For example, family time is a category for me and I make sure I have that blocked off in my calendar after 3pm when I pick the kids up, take them to sport activities, make dinner and do bed time.
If you don’t already have our free 90 day planner to help you organize your time, make sure you grab it here.
4. They batch similar activities together.
After you categorize your time, you want to learn to batch similar activities together. For example, I don’t check and respond to emails all throughout the day. I have one time per day where I respond to emails. Same with social media, I have 30 minutes blocked in my calendar to create social media content and respond to comments. This will save you so much time and allow you to focus.
5. They control their calendar.
Remember you are in charge of your calendar. Take control! Don’t let your boss or family control what you do at all hours of the day. Imagine your ideal week and block out time for what’s most important to you.
6. They say no.
You just can’t do everything. Don’t try. Get good at focusing on your priorities and saying no to things that aren’t your priority.
7. They are disciplined and focus on top priorities.Â
It’s easy to do the simple stuff. It’s hard to be disciplined and do the important tasks that are going to get you real results. Focus on the hard stuff and you’ll be well on your way to your goals!
8. They work in focus sprints.
Try setting an alarm and focusing on your top priority for 45 minutes with no distractions. You can get so much done in that time! No more multi-tasking!
9. They have free time for what’s most important.
Successful women are happy. They have joy in their life because they make time for what’s most important to them. It could be pursuing their passion, traveling, taking care of their health or going on vacations with their family. Time is blocked out for free time and fun!
10. They work at their best time.
If you have a lot of energy and focus in the morning, make sure you are working on your goals with your best time! Maybe you are a night owl. Make sure you are doing your most important work when you have the most energy.
11. They have a morning ritual.
Morning routines are crucial. Create your ideal morning routine. Put it into a checklist so you can check off things you need to do before you start your day.
12. They limit their priorities.
Successful women don’t try to do 25 things per day. They know that true success comes with completing 1-2 main priorities each day.
13. They conduct a weekly review.
One time per week, successful women review the past week and determine what they are going to focus on the next week.
Make sure you download our free weekly planning template so you can get organized with a weekly review too.