Get Better With Money
How to Know When To Quit Your Day Job

How to Know When To Quit Your Day Job

Many years ago my husband and got married and drowned ourselves in debt. It's something I am not proud of but what I am proud of is that we got out of debt, decreased our expenses and somehow were able to both quit our jobs to pursue our career and business goals....

Salary Negotiation: Everything You Need to Know

Salary Negotiation: Everything You Need to Know

Having a career website myself, I very rarely read other career blogs except for one, Career Contessa. This is why I am honored and excited to interview the founder, Lauren McGoodwin, on the podcast today. If you are job searching or have a salary negotiation coming...

My Financial Plan Before I Quit My Day Job

My Financial Plan Before I Quit My Day Job

The day I quit my day job was a scary and super exciting day!! I knew I could make my business happen because I had worked so hard and because I had done a lot of things financially to make sure we were set up for success. Because let me tell you that 6 months...

How to Take Control of Your Money with Belinda Rosenblum (PODCAST)

How to Take Control of Your Money with Belinda Rosenblum (PODCAST)

One of your top goals. I know what it is. It's either getting out of debt or growing your income. Am I right? Well, I know those are two of my big goals. Years ago, getting out of debt was a huge goal for my husband and I. It felt incredible when we were out and now,...

How To Get Out Of Debt in 6 Steps

How To Get Out Of Debt in 6 Steps

It’s really easy to spend $100. Take a stroll in a mall on a Sunday afternoon and before you know it, you’ve spent $200 in three hours. Where did the money go? Pretty soon, you’re buying things only on credit and can’t afford to pay off your monthly bills. Gradually,...

Tax Tips for Entrepreneurs From a CPA (PODCAST)

Tax Tips for Entrepreneurs From a CPA (PODCAST)

If finances scare you and the thought of sitting down with a CPA scares you, you are definitely going to want to listen to this episode. Not only is Amy a model of following her passion and turning it into a business but she's also my CPA and has a ton of great tips...

10 Money Management Tips for Newly Employed Millennials

10 Money Management Tips for Newly Employed Millennials

If you're a millennial who just landed your first real job, first of all, congratulations! You're probably excited about your first paycheck, and the next paycheck, and every paycheck after it. You may already have a long list of things to buy. From the iPhone 8 to...

Should You Be Earning More: 5 Tips for Negotiating Your Salary

Should You Be Earning More: 5 Tips for Negotiating Your Salary

No matter how confident you are about your professional qualifications and skills, broaching the subject of a raise with your boss can still be uncomfortable. Of course, it doesn’t help that all our lives adults taught us that talking about money was impolite, and...

How Women Can Get The Salary They Deserve

How Women Can Get The Salary They Deserve

When I was starting my career, one burning question I really wanted someone to answer was: Do women need to be so aggressive to rise to the top? Is that the only way to succeed? Because, honestly, I didn’t think I could pull that off. And I didn’t want to....