3 Signs You Are About to Get What You Want


Tried everything to get unstuck in your personal and professional life? Getting impatient and frustrated from not seeing any signs or changes? No worries, you may be closer to that breakthrough than you think! Breakthroughs are easy to predict once you know where to look! Every challenging period has a breaking point and most of these obstacles weaken without showing any obvious signs of weakening.
Whether you hit a wall or are starting to feel something isn’t quite working out, then pay attention to these 3 signs.

3 Signs You Are About to Get What You Want

1. Half steps

Before a major breakthrough, typically aspects of what you want will start to show up. However, it’s typically not the “complete package.” For instance, if you are planning to buy a car and car is advertised at the dealership that meets all the requirements that you want in your ideal car but, it’s just not in your price range.
That is a sign that you are close but not quite there yet. Sometimes, it might ultimately be that it is the car for you, but you have to work a little harder to get closer to being able to afford it.
If this is happening to you right now, maintain your focus, your energy, on your ultimate goal. Don’t settle. Be ok with adjusting some of your requirements, like giving up that sunroof or leather seats. Note though that there is a difference between being flexible on your criteria and settling on a major issue.

2. Money flow changes

Money is energy. When going through a major life transition, money flow will either slow down or stop coming in.
When moving from one life stage to another, like being jobless to being employed, your energetic frequency changes. It’s a huge lifestyle transition. When jobless, you’re vibrating at a certain frequency. The version of you that is employed vibrates at a higher frequency.
In between the two stages of frequency, this is the transition stage. When in transition, money flow, which is basically energy flow, can either slow down or stop completely.
It stops because the vibrational energy aligned with the old version of you is shifting gears. During the transition, that holding phase, there is a gap before money, again that’s energy, aligns with the new version of you.
Along the same lines, money could start to flow immediately when you’re aligned with your purpose. Everything starts to flow again because energetically you are aligned when you’re answering a calling. Thus, notice for the shifts in money flow.

3. Unforeseen shifts

Notice if there are unforeseen shifts in your routine. When you’re transitioning into that new phase, you may unexpectedly come across new people that will help you get closer to your goal. Or at least point in your the right direction.
You might start seeing things differently and even eating differently. These are all related to shifts in frequency. Big issues tend to get resolved in order to make space for what you desire. This could be credit card debts being resolved.
When big solutions start to show up, it means you’ve shifted frequencies and you’re starting to align with the desired outcome.


Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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