3 Easy Ways to Enhance Your Relationships
Want to enhance your relationships with your boss, office colleagues, partner, and loved ones? Teach them how to treat youYes, that’s right!
As social beings, we give and receive so much from our personal ties that it makes sense to invest a lot of time, effort and energy into these relationships. There are always going to be difficult personalities that we find challenging because we all bring our different perspectives to the table and not everyone on this planet will think and feel the same way as us.
When we are stressed out, it’s easier to be annoyed with not only difficult people but also those that don’t typically annoy us. Even if you think you aren’t doing anything to contribute to a certain unfavorable treatment, your inaction is speaking for you. When it comes to our partners and loved ones, love is cultivated when we allow our vulnerabilities to be seen. That is why it’s important to open yourself up to love if you want to build stronger bonds.
In order to attract the ideal relationships that you want, consider the following three ways to teach others how to treat you.

3 Easy Ways to Enhance Your Relationships

1. Release Expectations

Don’t expect to get all you need from someone else. Release expectations about what love should be and start opening up to all that it is. Relationships are about serving one another so give without expectation.

2. Heal

Reconciling the past is often overlooked when we are trying to move forward in relationships. In order to heal your wounds, this may mean you need to forgive someone. Recognize that when you forgive, you are not doing it for the other person, but for yourself. For every negative experience that enters our lives, there is always something to learn and a way to grow from it. So be thankful for the learning experience.
[RELATED: 10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence]

3. Embrace Acceptance

Let go of the past and accept what is. Avoid continually living past mistakes and regrets. By holding on to negative feelings about the past, you limit your ability to become what you want to be. By being aware that you are holding on to the past and recognizing the fact that most choices you make revolve around those experiences, you will automatically think twice and rethink your choice at that moment.
Always remember, you can take your power back in an instant when someone gets on your nerves. Consciously choose your thoughts and reaction as this is your power. One way to prevent yourself from acting on impulse is to inhale deeply and let it out slowly. Choose an image like a mountain or lake to anchor your mind until the need to react passes.

“Every single second is an opportunity to better your life because in any moment you can change the way you feel.”
– Rhonda Byrne

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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