Subtle Sexism: 48 Things Women Hear That Men Don’t
In a new video from Huffington Post, 48 real women reveal things that they hear in a lifetime that men just don’t, otherwise known as subtle sexism. We are told how we should conduct ourselves from childhood, how to behave correctly as young women in high school and college, and even later on as grown women.
According to Huffington Post, “In the video, watch as girls and women deliver messages you’d never say to a boy or a man, one after another. Each individual remark may seem inconsequential, but listening to them in totality shows just how never-ending (and exhausting) subtle sexism really is.”

Here is a few of the subtle sexism mentioned by women in the video:

  • Don’t be so bossy.
  • You look so pretty.
  • He picks on you because he likes you.
  • Your dad is going to have to chase the boys away when you get older.
  • Don’t wear that, you are going to distract the boys.
  • Stop being so dramatic.
  • Why are you getting so emotional?
  • It must be that time of the month.
  • I was just trying to give you a compliment.
  • You eat a lot for the girl.
  • Do you like football?
  • Can women have it all?
  • Are you like, a feminist?
  • Your biological clock is ticking.
  • Are you planning to work after the baby is born?
The most important thing to remember is that these sayings are so subtle, you may have even said one of them to another woman in your life. This video is just a reminder that hearing them over and over again throughout our lifetimes can really impact what we do, what we say, and ultimately the impact we make in the world.
Watch the video below and then share with us your thoughts in the comments below.

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