Working Mom Tips: 10 Tips For a Better Balance
I recently became a mom, and I have been documenting my working mom tips to share with you all. These are realizations I have made as I struggled to work in a job I love and spend as much quality time as possible with my now 5-month old daughter. It has not been easy, but I do have to say it has been so worth it.

Working Mom Tips

Here are just some of the breakthroughs I have had in the last five months since my daughter was born:
  • I can’t do it all. Delegate and get help.
  • Baby steps! Just make one new habit per week. Don’t try to be back to normal in one day.
  • Self-care is so important. Seriously, take care of yourself. Set aside time to journal or meditate or just take a long bath. You will be a better mother and a better worker.
  • Get outside every day. At least go for a walk. Fresh air and exercise are good for your body and your mind.
  • Prioritize your life. If it is not important, get rid of it or outsource it.
  • Try to get out of the house first thing in the morning. Otherwise, you may find yourself still be pajamas when your husband gets home at 5 pm.
  • Figure out childcare before the baby comes. It is stressful, but I wish I had arranged for at least part time child care before she was born.
  • Ask for help and then don’t worry about it. You don’t have to (and shouldn’t try to) do it all.
  • Be creative with your schedule. You might have to work at different times than 9-5 pm. This might mean waking up early, working instead of watching The Bachelor or staying up late.
  • Baby is number one. Let your work commitments go when he or she needs you and remember this time with your child is short.

What Working Mom Tips Do You Have to Share?

I would love to read them in the comments section!
P.S. Stay tuned for the next installment which includes my maternity tips for working mamas. I could probably write a book with everything I have learned, but we will start with a little blog post first!

Hi, I'm Anna!

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